Young bamboo seedlings produce a large number of tillers till the rhizome is fully grown to produce usable culms. This characteristic has been utilized to produce a number of propagules from one viable seed at least or few years. Since the seeds of bamboo are not available every year, this method of propagation can be depended upon to raise regular plantations. Seedling multiplication through the technique of macro proliferation can ensure continuous supply of large number of plating material for a couple of years. Young seedlings can be raised in mother bed of 40’ x 4’ by sowing seeds (50gm–100 gm/ bed). After germination, one to two months old seedling should be transplanted at spacing of 6” x 6” (or 6” x 4”) preferably in July in other bed. Casualty should be replaced in bed time to time to ensure full stocking. The stock (one year old) can be used during next year by planting rhizome directly (up rooting with soil). This will reduce transportation cost. The growth of rhizome in the bed (soil) is usually better than ploypot which is important for survival of bamboo plantation. At this stage proliferated seedlings from the bed may be separated with tillers and rhizome in the bed for further macropropagation which can be used again after one year. It is advisable not to raise seedling in polypot as rhizomes are not grown properly in the polypot. ifferent methods of propagation are followed to obtain planting materials for multiplication of bamboo. The easiest method is to raise seedlings from the seeds. Sees can be procured from the area where sporadic or gregarious flowering has occurred. The bamboo sees have not dormancy but the viability period is limited. To obtain higher percentage of germination, fresh sees should be sown immediately after collection. After sowing the seeds in the mother beds, light straw cover is to be provided for 2-3 days to enhance the germination. Prophylactic treatment may be required to guard against termite/fungal attack. Germination starts between 4-10 days after sowing. After a month these seedlings can be transplanted to poly pots of 24 cm x 18 cm filled with soil mixture and be maintained for a year before plating.Young (2 year old) and healthy culms from selected clumps are extracted by cutting just above the second node. The leaves & side branches are trimmed off and the bamboo is cut in to a number of bi-nodal (one inter node with two nodes) pieces. Care is taken to avoid splitting of the cut ends while preparing the bi-nodal pieces. A hole is made on the inter node to fill water in the lumen. While making the hole, care is taken to ensure that the lateral branches are parallel to the ground & the hole is perpendicular to the branching joint. After filling water in the lumen, the hole is closed by wrapping with cello-tape to prevent leakage. These water-filled cuttings are layered in the sunken nursery beds of 6 mt. long nad 0.75 mt wide and covered with 4-5 cm deep soil. One week prior to layering, the nursery beds are prepared by tilling the land, applying farmyard manure and drenching the soil with the insecticide (Aldrin) & the fungicide (Bavistin) to prevent termite & fungal attack. The bi-nodal cuttings are laid in the soil beds parallel to each other at 30 cm. apart keeping the hole up towards surface. Watering has to be done regularly to keep the soil moist. Within a week the bunds and roots sprout from the nodal meristem. Usually three to five tillers come up from each node. Development of roots at the node is just not enough to ensure survival after planting. The tillers must have strong rhizome formation before planting in the field. At least six months are required to ensure development of rhizomes fro each tiller that comes up from the node.After 6 months, these bi-nodal pieces can be removed from the bed and planted directly in the field even after splitting to uni-nodal pieces. It has been observed that two-year-old culms are best for the purpose and spring season is the appropriate time for layering of culm cuttings. Since this method does not involve any critical technique, it can be easily practiced by the farmers to get at least 50-75 plantable seedlings from each bamboo culm.
Vegetative Propagation of Bamboo by Cuttings
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