PLEASE find links to update videos at the end here. Well after doing this for the last 6 months and researching how it's done and talking to a bamboo nursery worker I figure I know enough to show how it's done. Best time of the year is late spring and summer*. May is when it starts to rain and get warm and humid here in FL. Now in July with lots of rain and mosquitos it's perfect.. Well perfect if you can keep things from flooding. High moisture and humidity are the key. You need a green fresh piece if possible. The cuttings I took in Feb were drier and more dormant and harder to keep wet and humid. You need a few but not to many leaves and branches on your specimen. As long as you can keep a few green leaves on your cutting its alive. When all the leaves turn brown and fall off your cutting isn't strong enough or getting enough water and it's dying. With any luck I think these should sprout some roots within a month. These are the greenest cuttings I ever collected. My cuttings from Feb. did pretty well and I got over half to grow but it took a couple months. If you can dig up a specimen with some roots it's almost a sure thing to grow. The ones I dug up all grew and made 12' culms already. These specimens should grow to 70 feet. One thing I did here but failed to mention or talk about is to put the cutting in a tub or bucket of water when you cut them and give them a good soak for at least a half hour or so. When I did these it was raining so much and so of then I don't think it would have mattered either way because these did all drown in the rain. **update most of my July cutting ended up drowning from all the rain. Also these cuttings were from mature, hard, older, woody specimens and it took a long time for them to sprout any roots if they even did. The ones I did in Nov and Dec 2019 grew roots in as little as 4 days. The young shoot tops were the main difference that I can think of. may 2019 update video(S).. If you can't find these update videos I don't know what to tell you. I have dozens of videos of other clones too. This is Bambusa vulgaris and this particular one grows in an extremely compact clump with new culms that will come up BETWEEN other culms that are almost touching. It's almost hard to understand how they can put a shoot up right in the middle of a bunch of tightly clumped culms but that's what they do. I see other examples here on Youtube and they grow 6 inches to a foot apart and spread out more.. Maybe my harvesting shoots from the perimeter made them more compact. #seetheforest Update May 17 2020: To answer a broad question regarding a species with 1400 different varieties and how to clone it is best summed up with: "It all depends on the species". They say that running bamboo won't clone or sprout readily from the stalk if buried (not sure what species they were referring to) and some species I don't think you could sprout unless you had one of those cloning chambers at a research facility with a major university or huge agricultural company. Some species will sprout easily and some will just not have it.
Planting Bamboo in Florida / Propagating bamboo from cutting 7/31/18 #seetheforest
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