Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"Who am I" By Sean Kelly

Dear Sean -Is there a chance for a Samples reunion with the original band? There's not a day that goes by that I don't listen to your music. You really have done more to shape who I am than any other person. My commitment to the environment, Native American causes, and the music I listen to. It's all shaped by your music. I'm very proud to say that by the way! Every now and then, I'll get a wave or someone will come up to me and I'll find out they are a Samples fan too! Those are good times when that happens. Talking with another Samples fan feels like catching up with an old friend. I have three girls and their bedtime song is "Little People", I have to change "girls" to "boys" in one verse but they've never known the difference. One thing I wish I picked up from you is the ability to be a wordsmith! Letters and Emails just aren't my thing. Anyway, I hope you get a chance to make it out this way (Phoenix). I hate the fact that the last time I saw you was the last time I say you. I think the reunion tour is a great idea and from a financial standpoint, it's gotta be fantastic for the wallet! Take care, Joe

"Who am I" By Sean Kelly

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