Thursday, October 31, 2019

A DISTURBING look Inside the Superiority Complex of Neil Degrasse Tyson😲- Psychological Analysis

Neil Degrasse Tyson showed several signs that led us to the conclusion that he very much indeed, suffers from a superiority complex. Original Video Link: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion : APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication: Inside the Superiority Complex of Neil Degrasse Tyson😮 - Psychological Analysis On September 6th Neil Degrasse Tyson was invited onto Joe Rogans Podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. What was intended to be a civil conversation turned out to be a playground for Neille deGrasse Tyson’s inflated ego and a blatant demonstration of his superiority complex. What you are about to watch is an analysis and breakdown of just how The superiority complex leaks through even when the transgressor makes utmost attempts to keep it concealed. 11:53 – This is the first time in the interview that we see just where Neil Degrasse Tyson believes he stands with Joe. When Joe Rogan him question hims for the first time in the interview we see Neil say “It doesn’t matter to me” while looking upwards to the left. I find this first part so telling because for a split second Neil let his ego get the best of him and showed how he really feels superior to Joe. By looking up to the left while saying “ It doesn’t matter to me” He is effectively telling Joe “ What you think is less important than what I think” We often see this gesture in young spoiled children who don’t get what they want or People who have newfounded power and often pull the “Do this because I said so” card. This is a very confrontational way to deal with things and we see the confrontational tension in the rigid movements in Neils Head and neck while making the statement. This statement is so confrontational OUT OF NOWHERE that it raises a huge red flag for us. What raises the red flad is how drastically different his emotions are and how fast he tries to cover himself up after he lets his true self show. It seems that Neil Degrasse Tyson is putting on an image to hide is ego and for a split second, he revealed to us something drastically different than what he was portraying before We then see him immediately correct himself and say “Yes, It does matter” which shows that he has his Persona back on but unfortunately for him, he let his true superiority complex show for a split second, and know we KNOW that he is putting on an image. So Why Does Neil Degrasse Tysons eye movements reveal his inflated ego and superiority complex? When we look up, it although the movement is so small, it causes our necks to be more exposed then they were before and when we look above and past them, the reason it has the potential to be so disrespectful is it is effectively saying on a primal level that “ You are no threat to me, I look above you too look for other potential threats and I do not value what you say, I am looking above it. You are no threat to me to the point where I don’t even need to protect myself from you even if I’m not paying attention to you.” With this quick movement, Neil is effectively saying, I have superiority over you, you shouldn’t be questioning me. Tags//Ignore body language, body language drama, comedian psychology, conflict analysis, conflict analysis essay, improve communication skills subliminal, inferiority complex psychology, joe rogan, joe rogan experience, joe rogan neil degrasse tyson podcast highlights, joe rogan reaction, joe rogan stand up, narcissism, neil degrasse tyson, neil degrasse tyson cosmos, neil degrasse tyson god, neil degrasse tyson joe rogan, neil degrasse tyson joe rogan interrupting, neil degrasse tyson podcast, neil degrasse tyson rude, ngt joe rogan, nonverbal, nonverbal communication, nonverbal communication body language, psychological analysis, psychology of comedians, psychology of comedians, subliminal communication, subliminal communication skills, subliminal messages, superiority, superiority complex,bill burr, bill burr reaction, superiority complex psychology, superiority complex symptoms, superiority complex vs inferiority complex psychology of human behavior, bobby lee, confrontation, bully confrontation, bully epic confrontation, bully confrontation, body language battle, internet stars battle, psychology, psychology crash course, psychology of human behavior, psychology tricks, psychology major, psychology facts, psychology 101, psychology documentary, psychology lecture, crash course psychology, psychological tricks, interesting facts, gestures, eye contact, communication, human nature, how the brain works, psychology (field of study), psychological facts, psychological tips, mind control, how to read people, how to read body language, psychology major, advice for psychology majors, how to become confident, psychology of human behaviour, sigmund freud (author), structuralism (school of thought), nonverbal communication, nonverbal communication body language

A DISTURBING look Inside the Superiority Complex of Neil Degrasse Tyson😲- Psychological Analysis

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